Another shocking case of political land-grabbing has rocked Belize, and this time, the beneficiaries are none other than the sons of a government minister!

Remember when land reform was about helping hardworking Belizeans? Not anymore! Over the past 25 years of PUDP rule, we’ve seen land handed out like candy—but only to the politically connected. And now, a jaw-dropping case has come to light that will have taxpayers fuming!

On April 24, 2023, Bullet Tree Falls landowner Frederick Warrior got a notice that his 40 acres of land were being seized by the government. The official reason? Village expansion.

Fast forward to July, and the acquisition was finalized—51 residential lots, 8 commercial lots, all set for new owners. And at first, it seemed like a decent deal—land was selling for as little as $500 for a 125×75 ft lot. But then… the real story emerged.

Instead of going to local villagers, these prime lots landed in the hands of… you guessed it! Friends, family, and political cronies of Area Rep Misho Chebat!

Who made the list?

  • A relative of one of Chebat’s close political allies—who doesn’t even live in Bullet Tree Falls!
  • Multiple names tied to Chebat’s political team—again, NOT known villagers!
  • Even Chebat’s own attorney, Leeroy Banner, scored a piece—despite living in Belize City!
  • And the ultimate shocker? Chebat’s two sons—snatching up land at the bargain price of $500 per lot!

So, was this land really for “public use,” or just a sweet political payday for Chebat’s inner circle?

Adding insult to injury, the government will now have to use YOUR taxpayer dollars to compensate the original landowner—a price still being negotiated.

And what does Chebat have to say for himself? NOTHING! When contacted for comment, he completely ignored our request.

UDP Standard Bearer Omar Figueroa also noticed something fishy about the names on the land documents… but one thing is clear: this so-called “village expansion” looks more like a political land heist!

Stay tuned—because this scandal is FAR from over!

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