Testimony – Ricardo Borja – JC Consulting
August 23rd 2023 - Video was uploaded on popular video sharing platform YouTube. Video shows a static image with key points in the timeline. Have a listen to the 23min and 48sec audio below (You can right click to save the audio to your computer).
2019-2023: Mr. Borja and Mr. De Meyere join forces to swindle millions in real estate from deceased victims and their families.May 2023: Real estate firm where De Meyere is employed discovers possible fraudMay 2023: Mr. De Meyere commences with campaign to spread rumors that Mr. Borja is solely responsible for the fraud.August 07: Mr. De Meyere is being investigated & confronted for stealing money from real estate firm that he was managingAugust 11 & 18: Mr. Borja provides testimony against De Meyere detailing the fraud that De Mey...